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Can you help police find missing Charlie? He was last seen yesterday afternoon (20 September) when he was wearing his school uniform.⁰⁰He is described as White, with blond hair that is mid length on top and is of skinny build and has links to Croydon.


We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Her dedication to the UK, other realms & territories is unparalleled & we thank her for her service. MPS will observe the mourning period whilst continuing to support our whole school community.


MPS is currently looking for a Project Officer - Chelsea Champion to deliver pastoral, wellbeing and diversionary activities that aim to enhance emotional wellbeing and resilience in our students.


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


We currently have a number of fantastic opportunities for LSAs, a Cover Supervisor, and Learning Resource Centre Coordinator to join our team at Merstham Park School. Please click on the link below to take you to our website.


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


We currently have a number of fantastic opportunities to join our team at Merstham Park School. Please click on the link below. More vacancies will be live on our website very soon!


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


There was a huge celebration this week on the site of our new home: the last of the 178 modules was put into place. The Department of Education, McAvoy, Mr Ward and Mr Garner took our Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls to have a look around - only one and a half terms to go!


Mr Chaloner, Mr Ward and Mr Garner had a sneak preview of the inside of our new home today. Highlights included the Dance Studio and Fitness Suite, the Sports Hall and the roofs full of solar panels which will enable MPS to be a low carbon school.


We are very excited to be able to share with you the progress that has been made on our new home in the last 2 weeks. Please click here to view the work and also some fantastic moon rises and weather patterns:


Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Open Evening and to our amazing staff who made the event really special. We have a few spaces left on our Open Morning on Thurs 21 Oct and due to popular demand, we have added Tues 19 Oct. Email to book.


The gates have opened to our 2021 Open Evening. We hope you enjoy seeing how MPS ignites a passion for learning in all our students.


Less than 1 hour before we open the gates. Our hard working staff are busy making sure that the evening is a great success. Mrs Eckershall has instruments galore in Music, Miss Mosley has experiments in Science, Mr Walker brings colour to Maths, and there is also a tent..!


With just 2 hours to go, Mr Ward is rehearsing his presentation, Mrs Harkness and Mr Tunbridge are putting the finishing touches to their Art displays and Mr Martin is preparing a demonstration in DT. We cant wait to see you at our Open Evening (5-8pm)


With less than 3 hours to go, all staff at MPS are on hand to make tonight's Open Evening really special. We are really looking forward to seeing Year 6 children and their families


Less than 24 hours until our Open Evening for Year 6 children and their families. There is no need to book: please just come along and join us between 5pm and 8pm. The Head of School will be delivering talks at 5.15, 6.15 and 7.15pm. We look forward to welcoming you to MPS.



House points

House points are to be awarded to those going above basic expectations (see examples below).  House points enable staff to acknowledge a student’s positive contribution as well as advising the parent/carer via the BROMCOM app.

  • Inclusion: Exhibiting model citizenship e.g. demonstrating kindness, including others, being helpful, responding maturely to situations, politeness.

  • Collaboration: Demonstrating an ability to work effectively within a team.

  • Resilience: Overcoming an obstacle in learning and demonstrating courage.

  • Respect: Understanding others views and showing consideration at school.

  • Success: Excellent work in a lesson.  Work that is completed with care and attention to detail.

  • Phone Call Home

  • 100% Attendance

  • Correct uniform and equipment

  • Extra curricular commitment

Positive emails home

Staff are encouraged to regularly contact parents/carers in order to highlight and recognise a student’s consistently positive attitude.

Postcards (based on MPS values)

Students will receive postcards  on special occasions which recognise the school value they have demonstrated as well as specific comments about their achievement or when they have been awarded 20 House Points in a subject area.  A house point will also be issued to note when a postcard has been sent home in the post. E.g: Success - representing the school at an event or Resilience - working consistently hard to overcome boundaries with learning.

Postcards to be awarded based on the MPS values, which are:

  • Inclusion

  • Collaboration

  • Resilience

  • Respect

  • Success

Individual Threshold Awards based on House Points

Individual awards will be given to students in half termly house assemblies and Whole School celebration assemblies.  The thresholds are based on the total number of house points earned throughout the academic year.

Springboard Award

100 house points

Email home and certificate from Learning Mentor

Bronze Award

150 house points

Email home and certificate from HOY

Silver Award

225 house points

Letter home and certificate from Deputy Headteacher

Gold Award

300 house points

Letter home and certificate from Head of School

Platinum Award

350 house points

Letter home and certificate from Executive Head

‘Zero Heroes’ - Zero Behaviour points in a half term - HOY team

Postcard to be sent home for students at the end of every half term.

All students with zero behaviour points to be entered into a draw - 6 students per year selected and £10 Amazon voucher awarded.

Following each progress report - HOY team

After each report, students with all ‘great’ and ‘good’ comments receive an email home. Students with only ‘great’ receive a postcard sent home.

Learning Mentor Student of the week - Learning Mentors

One student per learning mentor group, per week.  Email home from Learning Mentor and house point detailing the specific achievement in relation to school values.

Learning Mentor Student of the term - HOY

One student per year group, per term.  This student will be chosen from the selection of students who have earnt learning mentee of the week within the year group.  Email home from HOY to parents/carers and £10 Amazon voucher awarded in whole school celebration assembly.  

Termly Faculty awards  - Heads of Subject/Lead Teacher

1 student, per year, per category awarded subject certificates for: Progress, Attainment, Effort.

Subject Student Ambassadors

Each faculty to have 2 teacher chosen ambassadors per class.  These students will wear badges. Roles include:

  • Helping teachers in specific faculty areas

  • Supporting other students

  • Supporting and running subject house competitions

  • Support/run break/lunch activities. eg sports/arts/music/book club

  • Helping with learning mentor time activities 

  • Supporting in cover lessons

House Points 

The totals for each house will be displayed on the school website.


House Celebration Assemblies - every half term 

Whole School Celebration Assemblies - every term

In these assemblies achievement will be recognised in all forms.  House point threshold certificates, faculty certificates (progress, attainment & effort), attendance, sporting achievements and out of school achievements will all be celebrated and rewarded.  

In the Whole School assembly (Summer term) the house with the highest number of house points will be awarded with the MPS House Cup.

Attendance Awards

Fortnightly 100% vouchers

A Form is drawn by the Head of Year every two weeks, a name is randomly drawn by the HoY.  If that student had 100% attendance over the previous two weeks they will get a £10 amazon gift voucher.

Learning Mentor Group Breakfasts

100% attendance by a Learning Mentor group in a week will get a breakfast - Pastries, Juice etc, during the following

Top Attendees of the Academic Year (Those who got 100%)

All get the Head of School certificate for outstanding attendance at the end of the Year.

100% Attendance for the Term - Family Restaurant Voucher

Students with 100% for that half term only are put into a draw.  The Head of School will pick two names out at the end of Term Assembly where the student will win a restaurant voucher for their family to recognise the students and the families efforts in ensuring they didn't miss a day of that term.

100% Attendance for the Year Award Draw

Students with 100% are put into a Draw.  The Head of School will pick the name out in the End of Year Assembly where the student will win a prize for the family to recognise the students and the families efforts in ensuring they didn't miss a day of the academic Year.